Ubuntu 22.10 Released, This is What's New!

 A new stable release of Ubuntu Linux has arrived with a bunch of new features and changes to give Linux users a more polished, solid, and easy-to-use distribution that can rely on.

Ubuntu 22.10, code-named Kinetic Kudu, is a regular release which means it comes with nine months of security and maintenance updates (until July 2023), instead of the 5 years that LTS releases get.

This release comes as always with a modified Gnome desktop interface, and this time with the latest Gnome 43 version with most of its new features and goodies, including the new redesigned quick settings menu that enables users easy toggling on/off various desktop interface settings and elements such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, night light and airplane mode, as well as switching between dark and light mode, and sound output sources.

Many Gnome core apps that are ported to GTK 4 and libAdwaita on during Gnome 43 development phase are present in Ubuntu 22.10 including the Files app (Nautilus), Gnome Logs, and Maps (not included by default, but available in Ubuntu repos).

The list of the updated Gnome 43 apps that are part of Ubuntu 22.10 includes the new Calendar app which comes with an updated interface with a new sidebar that includes a navigation calendar and a list of upcoming events, the Characters app which includes now a much wider selection of emoji, including people with different skin tones, genders, and hairstyles; and the screen keyboard that can now shows suggestions as you type.

On the other hand, the default text editor app is now GNOME Text Editor, replacing gedit, the To-Do app is no longer installed by default, and the GNOME Books app is no longer available on the distro repos. PipeWire is also now the new default audio server instead of PulseAudio, and default image apps now support the webp format directly out of the box.

In this version, Canonical has also added a new section in the system settings called Ubuntu Desktop, which, as its name suggests, includes settings to control the general appearance of the desktop such as desktop icons and the size and position of the dock.

Ubuntu 22.10 comes with Linux Kernel 5.19, systemd 251.4, Firefox 106 (as an express package), Thunderbird 102, and LibreOffice 7.4, and you can download it directly from the official ubuntu website via the following links:

{getButton} $text={Download Ubuntu 22.10 (Direct)} $icon={preview} $color={#B54C7D}

{getButton} $text={Download Ubuntu 22.10 (Torrent)} $icon={download} $color={#E95420}

Ahmed Bay

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